
“Your Own Story”: Schoolkids design exhibition guide for young visitors

Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

As part of its 'Your Own Story’ project, the Hamburger Bahnhof recently played host to an outreach event. During a project week in May, 19 pupils from the 1st and 2nd grade at Helmuth-James-von-Moltke primary school in Berlin-Charlottenburg explored the collection display before coming up with their own personal stories in response to nine exhibited artworks. Together with museum educators they have produced a booklet guide by kids for kids, available for young visitors and their parents from the museum ticket desk, free of charge.

The children selected works by artists such as Joseph Beuys, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, and Dieter Roth and made drawings or wrote stories in response to them. Selections of their sketches, text fragments, and recorded interviews with museum educator Julia Devies and illustrator Till Christ have flowed into the booklet and shape the nine chapters. Now their ideas can open up new approaches to the artworks for other children, encouraging them to make their own discoveries and make up their own stories about the art.

The project is run in association with Berliner Leben, a Gewobag foundation.