In the joint workshop ‘Challenges and Desiderata: Provenance Research on East Asian Art’ by the Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik (Institute for Cultural Studies and Urban Historical Studies) at the Technische Universität Berlin and by the Museum für Asiatische Kunst at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, researchers and curators will come together to discuss and assess the current state of provenance research.
The collection at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst will be shown in 2019 at the Humboldt Forum. Across Germany, the focus on provenance research of East Asian objects is increasing. Determining provenance for non-European objects requires a different approach than for works of Western origin, given that their identifying marks, details of production, and acquisition history are fundamentally different from those of other groups of objects. In the workshop, curators, art market experts, and provenance researchers will have the opportunity to meet and exchange information regarding research areas, key people and networks in the trade of these objects, methodology, and sources for provenance research on East Asian art.
Please note: The workshop is already booked out. For coverage of the event, representatives of the media are however able to attend by sending a request to Dr. Christine Howald (c.howald[at]tu-berlin.de).
*All talks are in German unless stated otherwise. *
10:00: Introduction
10:30–11:00: Prologue and Genius Loci
11:30–13:00: Main Areas of Provenance Research
14:30–16:00: Actors and Networks in the Trade in East Asian Artefacts
16:30–18:00: Joint Reflection: The Challenges and Desiderata of Provenance Research on East Asian Art
10:00–11:30: Methodology and Sources: Prospects for the Future and Q&A
12:00–13:00: Prospects for the Future and Q&A
The detailed programme (PDF) is available online at: www.kuk.tu-berlin.de.
Access (Direktion/Administration)
Takustr. 40, 14195 Berlin