
Volkswagen ART4ALL as of 16 Dezember 2021, also in the Neue Nationalgalerie

Neue Nationalgalerie

From Thursday, 16 December 2021, admission to the Neue Nationalgalerie is free on every 3rd Thursday of the month from 4 to 8 pm. The free admission is complemented by an extensive range of events for all visitors.

Diverse exhibition talks, artist interventions, and participatory activities open new perspectives on the works in the Nationalgalerie collection and current exhibitions. The objective is to reach as broad a public as possible. During its first stage the programme is directed at students. Time-slot tickets can be booked seven days in advance:

Events at the Neue Nationalgalerie on Thursday, 16 December (4–8 pm)

Action Mapping/Remapping

What can you discover at the Neue Nationalgalerie? What particularly grabs your attention? Where do you linger? What moves you? In dialogue with artists, participants learn about mapping techniques and practices. You can draw, write, and collage your impressions of the exhibition on cards and talk about them with other visitors.

Participatory Activities

Who is actually meant by “everyone”? Who is addressed? And how can the museum learn from its visitors? Participatory exhibition discussions and artist interventions encourage viewers to share different and unexpected perspectives on selected works in the permanent collection now on display.

Volkswagen Fellows

For the first time the programme is accompanied by two Volkswagen Fellows, who are focusing on the topic of cultural outreach during their fellowships. In addition, the “Rolling Studio”, donated by Volkswagen for educational work at the museums in Berlin, serves as a form of permanent cultural ambassador.

Volkswagen Art4All

With its monthly Art4All concept, Volkswagen has been making art and culture accessible to a broader public since 2018 through its support of free admission to current exhibitions as well as through multifaceted educational outreach in the form of workshops, guided tours and accompanying art programmes. The project was developed in partnership with the Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Volkswagen Art4All now takes place on different days at three renowned museums: Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin, the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and now, for the first time, at the reopened Neue Nationalgalerie.

Volkswagen ART4ALL at Hamburger Bahnhof

Rosa Barba. In a Perpetual Now
22.08.2021 to 16.01.2022

The Art of Society
22.08.2021 to 24.09.2023

The Neue Nationalgalerie
22.08.2021 to 26.02.2023

Alexander Calder. Minimal / Maximal
22.08.2021 to 13.02.2022

News overview