On 1 March 2019 the Museum für Fotografie (Museum for Photography) is hosting an interdisciplinary symposium that will closely reexamine the diverse fields of photography, film and entertainment culture during the November Revolution in Berlin in 1918–19.
The symposium builds on the idea of interdisciplinarity, reverberating the concept underlying the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue. In addition to the visual aspects of the November Revolution, which are introduced through the photography of Willy Römer, the Haeckel brothers and other photographers, film and entertainment culture are two further areas that were an integral part of Berlin life during the days of the revolution. The speakers at the symposium have conducted in-depth research in these three areas and their new contributions on the November Revolution in 1918–19 will expand our present view.
Programme on Friday, 1 March 2019
Location: Museum für Fotografie, Jebensstraße 2, 10623 Berlin, Fürstensaal
Free admission: No registration required
Photography, 10:00 am – 12:15 pm. Moderation: Evelin Förster
Enno Kaufhold: ‟Arbeiter und Soldaten” – die Revision eines Mythos (‟Workers and Soldiers” – The Revision of a Myth)[WW1]
Katrin Bomhoff: Fotografen der Revolution 1918/19 bei Ullstein (Photographers of the Revolution in 1918–19 at Ullstein)
Ludger Derenthal: ‟Ein historischer Augenblick”. Philipp Scheidemann am 9.11.1918 auf dem Balkon des Reichstagsgebäudes, fotografiert von Erich Greiser (‟A Historic Moment”. Philipp Scheidemann on 9 November1918 on the balcony of the Reichstag building, photographed by Erich Greiser)
Film, 1:15–3:15 pm. Moderation: Ludger Derenthal
Jeanpaul Goergen: Kriegsberichte von der friedlichen Umwälzung – Die Wochenschau in der Novemberrevolution 1918/19 und die ‟nachgestellte” Ausrufung der Republik (War Reports from the Peaceful Revolution – The Weekly Newsreels during the November Revolution in 1918–19 and the ‟Reconstructed” Proclamation of the Republic)
Philipp Stiasny: Die entfesselte Menschheit. Revolution und Bürgerkrieg im Spielfilm, 1918–1923 (Unleashed Humanity. Revolution and Civil War in Feature films, 1918–1923)
Rudolf Herz: Desperados. Ein Anti-Spartakusfilm im (medien-)historischen Kontext (Desperados. An Anti-Spartacus Film in a (Media-) Historical Context)
Entertainment Culture, 1:45–7:00 pm, Enno Kaufhold. Moderation: Enno Kaufhold
Evelin Förster: Die grafisch gestalteten Notentitelblätter – Spiegelbilder der Parallelwelt in der Revolutionszeit (Graphically Designed Cover Pages for Sheet Music – Mirror Images of a Parallel World in the Revolutionary Period)
Alan Lareau: Musikalische Bilder der Revolution: Victor und Friedrich Hollaender und das Jahr 1919 (Musical Images of the Revolution: Victor and Friedrich Hollaender and the Year 1919)
Kevin Clarke: ‟Fräulein, bitte woll’n Sie Shimmy tanzen?” Die deutschsprachige Operettenindustrie der 1920er-Jahre als ideologisches Schlachtfeld zwischen synkopierter Moderne und Sehnsucht nach Vergangenem (‟Miss, Would You Like to Dance the Shimmy?” The German-Speaking Operetta Industry in the 1920s as an Ideological Battlefield between Syncopated Modernity and Yearning for the Past)
Subsequent Programme, Saturday, 2 March 2019
4 pm: Curators’ Tour with Evelin Förster and Enno Kaufhold
8 pm: Desperados Performance, with Julia Wahren, Zoro Babel and Rudolf Herz
Museum für Fotografie, Jebensstraße 2, 10623 Berlin
Saturday, 2 March 2019, 8–9 pm
10 EUR / reduced 5 EUR
Advance ticket sales available at cash registers at the Museum für Fotografie, at all other registers of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and online
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