
SCHLOSS BAU MEISTER. Andreas Schlüter und das barocke Berlin. Vorbereitung der Ausstellung läuft auf Hochtouren


From 4 April 2014 to 13 July 2014, the Bode-Museum will present a major exhibition on the work of court sculptor and palace architect, Andreas Schlüter.

The press were yesterday invited to the Bode Museum's conservation studio to get a behind-the-scenes look at preparations for the exhibition. The restorers explained the conservation treatments for the wooden overdoor now held in the Schlossbauhütte ('Palace Workshop' restoration studio). The overdoor once belonged to the former palace interior and will soon feature in the exhibition 'SCHLOSS BAU MEISTER'.

Andreas Schlüter (1659/60-1714) was a Baroque artist par excellence. Celebrated by his contemporaries as the 'Michelangelo of the North', he was similar to his role model in that he was not only a prolific sculptor, but also an architect, town planner, and designer of magnificent interiors which he created to give lustre to the emerging royal Prussian capital and elevate its standing within Europe.

To commemorate the 300th anniversary of his death, the Bode-Museum is about to hold a major retrospective, the first ever to be dedicated to Berlin's first truly great artist. The show will take in all aspects of his multifaceted work and cover a total of 16 galleries and side rooms. 

Featuring scores of objects from Berlin collections, enriched by numerous outstanding loans, 'SCHLOSS BAU MEISTER' aims to recreate the opulent world that this multi-talented artist of Baroque Berlin fashioned and inhabited. Besides Schlüter's own works, the display also features works by his contemporaries, including sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Francesco Mochi, Francois Girardon, and Antoine Coysevox. Their inclusion broadens the dialogue on the art of the late Baroque in Europe.

Link to exhibition