
Network Visitor Research Initiative Founded: Fellow Campaigners Wanted for Next Steps

Institut für Museumsforschung

The founding event of the Network Visitor Research Initiative took place on 23 and 24 November in the Stahlhalle at the Deutsche Arbeitswelt Ausstellung (DASA, German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition) in Dortmund. 

Around sixty participants from museums and research institutes joined with non-affiliated individuals for an enthusiastic discussion about how to successfully implement their plans for exchange and collaboration within the context of a network. A position paper (PDF, 89 KB, in German) developed by the founding partners Deutscher Museumsbund, Institut für Museumsforschung, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin for the Leibniz Research Museums and the Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland formed the basis for that discussion.

Save the Date: The Next Steps

On 22 March 2022 the next working meeting on establishing the network takes place at the Jüdisches Museum Berlin to develop a concrete proposal for the future course of action and structure of the network based on the results of the workshops. All who would like to contribute are cordially invited. The Network’s next annual meeting is planned for 14 and 15 November 2022 at the Haus der Geschichte Bonn.

Anyone who would like to be kept up to date on further developments or get concretely involved can contact the Institut für Museumsforschung – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin by email: ifm[at]