On 27 and 28 October 2020 the collaborative project “museum4punkt0” is holding an online conference on the experiences and challenges of using digital means to present and convey information in museums: “Developing the Future Together – Digitally Enhancing Museum Experiences and Processes”.
Since 2017 the collaborative project museum4punkt0 has been researching new digital means on how to best interact with visitors, develop individualised services for them and to appeal to additional target groups. The digital conference will present the results of this undertaking, answer questions raised by online audiences and discuss the following issues in lectures and roundtables:
The conference takes place exclusively online and is available as a livestream on YouTube. Registration is required for digital participation, including the option to join chats:
Note: The programme may change at short notice because of new measures to contain the virus.
10:00 am: Opening Remarks by Hermann Parzinger, President of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
10:10 am: Greeting by Monika Grütters, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
10:20 am: Welcome by Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Project General Manager
10:25 am: Presentation of highlights from the sub-projects by their respective directors, illustrated with films about two minutes each
11:00 am: Keynote by Hartmut Dorgerloh, General Director of the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss: “Die digitale Präsenz des Humboldt Forums als sein zweiter Standort” (The Humboldt Forum’s Digital Presence as Its Second Venue; in German)
11:30 am: Coffee break
Films introducing the collaboration partners to online participants
12:00 noon: Presentation of the applications developed within the project, Part I
Presentation of the sub-projects: Deutsches Museum; Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz; Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
1:00 pm: First roundtable on the applications
1:30 pm: Lunch break
3:00 pm: Presentation of the applications developed within the project, Part II
Presentation of the sub-projects: the Deutsches Auswandererhaus – German Emigration Center, Bremerhaven; the museums focusing on the Schwabian-Alemannic celebration of Carnival known as Fastnacht, (Fastnachtsmuseum Narrenschopf Bad Dürrheim, Fasnachtsmuseum Schloss Langenstein); the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
4:00 pm: Second roundtable on the applications
4:30 pm: Coffee break
5:00 pm: museum4punkt0: Communication and Collaboration
5:30 pm: Marinos Ioannides, UNESCO and ERA, Chair, Digital Cultural Heritage
“How a Pandemic Bumped Up Digital Cultural Heritage in Society” (in English)
6:00 pm: Conclusion of the first day
9:30 am: Welcome by Gero Dimter, Vice President of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
9:40 am: Elizabeth Rosenberg, NEMO:
“The Results of the European Survey on the Impact of the COVID-19 Situation on Museums in Europe” (in English)
10:10 am: Willi Xylander, Jens Wesenberg, Kristin Barber (Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz): “‘Inhouse / Outside’ ‒ Nutzung und Nachnutzung digitaler Formate” (In-House or Outside – The Use and Re-Use of Digital Formats; in German)
10:40 am: Werner Mezger (Fastnachtsmuseum Bad Dürrheim): “Immaterielles Kulturerbe museal erleben ‒ digitale Strategien” (The Experience of Immaterial Cultural Heritage in a Museum – Digital Strategies; in German)
11:00 am: Coffee break
11:30 am: Georg Hohmann (Deutsches Museum): “Das Museum als digitale Plattform” (The Museum as a Digital Platform; in German)
12:00 noon: Michael Fuchs (Fasnachtsmuseum Schloss Langenstein): “Möglichkeiten personalisierter Besucher*innenführung durch Elemente von KI und Machine Learning am Beispiel der Neukonzeption des Fasnachtsmuseums Schloss Langenstein” The Possibilities of Personalised Visitor Guidance Using the Elements of AI and Machine Learning – Drawing on the Example of the New Design Concept for the Fasnachtsmuseum Schloss Langenstein; in German)
12:20 pm: Simone Blaschka (Deutsches Auswandererhaus, Bremerhaven): “Digitale Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung historischer Urteilskraft am Beispiel Migration” (The Digital Possibilities of Strengthening the Historical Power of Judgement, Drawing on the Example of Migration; in German)
12:50 pm: Lunch break
2:00 pm: Susan Hazan (Israel Museum): “Museums and Agile Narratives – Rethinking the Stories in a 4.0 World” (in English)
2:30 pm: “Handlungsbedarf für digitale Vermittlung in Zeiten von COVID-19” (Team SPK; The Need for Action Regarding Digital Communication in Times of COVID-19; in German)
2:50 pm: Ausblick – Wie geht es weiter bei museum4punkt0? (Outlook – What’s Next at museum4punkt0?; in German)
3:00 pm: Farewell
3:15: End