
Limited Call for Submissions: RUNDGANG50HERTZ

Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

In 2020 we invite you to participate in the following limited call for submissions, in a cooperation between the Nationalgalerie and the transmission system operator 50Hertz.

This competition addresses graduates and master’s students at two Berlin art academies (Berlin University of the Arts and Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin), the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig, and the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Graduates in visual/fine arts are requested to apply; all media are admissible.


  • What happens when nothing more is actually happening?
  • What if social life no longer takes place or shifts solely to the digital sector?
  • How can you capture the most mundane or commonplace in words or images?

These are all questions that have defined our lives in the past months during the period in which studios, workshops and entire institutions for higher education were closed.

  • How have the restrictive measures specifically impacted your art?
  • Did they become rules (of a game), i.e. did they serve as catalysts for new forms of work?
  • Did they perhaps even lead to a “poetics of constraint”, from which new ideas emerged from deep concentration?

Graduate Submissions

We would like to invite you to submit projects from your final year in the visual/fine arts. A jury will select up to three of these works for a presentation at Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin; each work will be featured in a catalogue.


Only projects by graduates and master’s students from the study programmes and academies named above will be considered. Please submit the following documents with your application:

a) CV (maximum 1 page)

b) Concept (maximum 1 page)

c) Photos of the art/works (maximum 5 pages)

d) Photos of the art/works must be provided on a data storage medium

Only submissions by post (no electronic mailings) sent to the following address will be accepted for review:

Hamburger Bahnhof –  Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
Invalidenstrasse 50-51
D-10557 Berlin

Deadline: 20 November 2020

Cooperation Partners

Universität der Künste Berlin, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Buchkunst in Leipzig, Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg


RUNDGANG50HERTZ is a project to support up-and-coming young talent. It is based on a cooperation initiated in 2017 between the Nationalgalerie, presented in the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, and the transmission system operator 50Hertzto foster new directions and positions in contemporary art.