Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung
This year, 22 May is International Museum Day! The motto of this year's national event is "Museums in the Cultural Landscape", and museums across the whole of Germany will be celebrating with activities. The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin is certainly no exception and has organized a varied programme of events.
The day aims to raise public awareness of the thematic diversity of the more than 6500 museums in Germany, as well as of museums in general worldwide. With their broad spectrum of collection areas, diverse range of offerings, and innovative ideas, the museums in Germany make a significant contribution to the nation's cultural and social life. International Museum Day gives visitors of all ages and backgrounds a perfect opportunity to discover the treasures preserved in the museums - so drop by one of our museums to find out more.
In Germany, International Museum Day is being significantly funded by the foundations and institutes of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. The Day's organizers are working closely with museum organizations at the federal level and at local level, in the sixteen states. The Day is being held under the auspices of the president of the Bundesrat, the second house of the German parliament.