
Institutions Extended: Theatre and Performance at Hamburger Bahnhof

Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin supports the Institutions Extended campaign by artist Marina Naprushkina. As part of the programme, theatre and performance events take place at Hamburger Bahnhof.

Take the Space / Sabotage Theater Collective

28 August 2021

Performance: 3–6 pm

On 28 August, the Sabotage Theater Collective will present an experimental theatre piece in the courtyard of Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin that asks “What is to be done now?”.With its performance of The Sounds of Cans and Buckets, the theatre ensemble raises a loud voice for an open society.

Take the Space / IASA (International Agency for Space Affairs)* – O

4 September 2021

11 am–6 pm

Inspired by Steve Paxton’s 1967 experimental performance piece Satisfying Lover, IASA (International Agency for Space Affairs) will take the act of walking – a dance with gravity – one step further on 4 September, with the aim of changing the rotation of the planet. Hamburger Bahnhof will be the site of challenge and change, where experts from a variety of fields of knowledge and practices have been invited to accompany the process.

Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR – Dance-Support Programme. 

* IASA demands space for life. 

Take the Space / Egill Sæbjörnsson

11 November 2021

4 pm

Egill Sæbjörnsson works with performance sets, sculptural accumulations and three-dimensional drawings. With a training background in drawing and painting, his approach is a technological continuation of painting.

For his intervention in the exhibition "Scratching the surface", the artist is planning a performance lecture, a performance that combines lecture elements and performative elements.

Egill Sæbjörnsson studied at the Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts (today the Icelandic Academy of the Arts) and from 1995 to 1996 at the University of Paris, St.Denis.

About Institutions Extended

Marina Naprushkina has set herself the task of opening up existing institutions and exhibition formats and promoting interaction with the public. The aim is to make the diverse artistic and cultural opportunities in the Mitte district more visible. The programme includes diverse formats such as dance, readings, theatre and experimental projects.