The Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts to be erected at the Kulturforum will not only be a captivating work of architecture but also a building that meets the complex requirements of a museum. The structure created in the coming years will open itself further to its surroundings than originally planned while also more intensively expanding the concept of networking. This is evident in the finalised preliminary designs that are now being presented by the architectural offices of Herzog & de Meuron.
Three distinctive features of the competition design remain central: the building’s form, its interior intersecting boulevards and its light-permeated façade of glass and brick. Accessibility has also been increased through the addition of new entrances and views into its interior, resulting in a strong interplay between the museum structure and the surrounding urban space. Through this 360-degree interactivity with its environs the museum becomes a key integrative element at the Kulturforum.
The architects have been working on the design together with the Nationalgalerie for a period of months. Decisions have included laying out the museum’s four floors. Three of them will be open to the public and offer space not only for various exhibitions but also for art education, work with groups, visitor services, a multifunctional media room, and restaurant services. The internal areas of the museum will house storage, conservation, offices and technical facilities.
Design planning is to be completed in summer 2019, after which the building permit will be secured. The ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for late 2019.
Current plans will be on display in a small exhibition in the foyer of the Kulturforum as of November 2018.
Related Links
Berlin Modern: Museum of the 20th Century
SPK: Museum of 20th Century
Neue Nationalgalerie – Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts
27.11.2018 to 30.06.2019
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