
Get involved in our planned 2015 Advent calendar exhibition

Museum Europäischer Kulturen

The Museum Europäischer Kulturen is looking for photos of people with their advent calendars (including self-made ones), to feature in next year’s Advent calendar exhibition, planned for late 2015. Please send us snapshots of yourselves with your advent calendars, accompanied by a commentary or story. The photos need not be recent and the calendars themselves can be historical. The photos and accompanying stories will go on show next year at the Museum Europäischer Kulturen in Berlin-Dahlem as part of a broader exhibition on the history of Advent calendars.

We would particularly welcome intergenerational and intercultural submissions.

Does your family have a calendar with a special history? What do people from different cultures associate with Advent? Do they also open Advent calendars, and if so, what do they look like? Do they celebrate other or similar traditions over the Christmas period?

Photos and texts can be submitted per mail (mek[at], or through the post (Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Im Winkel 6/8, 14195 Berlin) or via Facebook (

Deadline for submissions is 31.01.2015.

Please send us only photos that you have the rights to. By submitting images, you also agree that private photos of you and possibly also of your loved ones may feature in a public exhibition. Please note that photos and letters sent via the post will not be returned.