
Gemäldegalerie Loans Two Vermeer Paintings to Amsterdam


An upcoming exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the largest retrospective of Jan Vermeer (1632‒1675) to date. The Gemäldegalerie ‒ Staatliche Museen zu Berlin will be represented with two of the artist’s major works: Die Junge Dame mit Perlenhalsband (Woman with a Pearl Necklace), c. 1663/64 (cat. no. 912B) and Das Glas Wein (The Glass of Wine), 1658‒60 (cat. no. 912C).

The Berlin paintings are being presented in Amsterdam along with 26 other works. Since only around 35 paintings are attributed to the painter from Delft, these loans contribute to one of the most exceptional and important Vermeer exhibitions ever organised. The retrospective opens on 10 February and can be seen until 4 June 2023.

Due to the loans, Die Junge Dame mit Perlenhalsband and Das Glas Wein will not be on view at the Gemäldegalerie from 16 January 2023 to mid-June 2023. The paintings return to their familiar places in room 18 in June 2023.