
Free Telephone Tours during the ‟Berlin Says Thank You!” Activity Day on 19 June 2021


On 19 June 2021 numerous cultural and recreational organisations are taking part in the Berlin-wide ‟Berlin Says Thank You!” event. The aim this year is to especially thank all the Berliners, who are involved in providing aid and assistance during the Corona pandemic.

The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin is participating in the activity day with four free telephone tours (in German) through special exhibitions or about select objects from the collections:

Detailed information about individual tours can be found on the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin offers on the ‟Berlin Says Thank You!” Activity Day webpage.

“Berlin Says Thank You!” Activity Day

The full programme and information on the “Berlin Says Thank You!” Activity Day event is available online:

More information: activity day “Berlin sagt Danke!” on 19 June 2021

Late Gothic
21.05.2021 to 03.10.2021

Pauline Curnier Jardin
13.04.2021 to 19.09.2021

Ancient Egypt
Permanent exhibition

Art of the 19th Century
Permanent exhibition

News overview