
Book Presentation: James Simon: Briefe an Wilhelm von Bode 1885 – 1927 in the James-Simon-Galerie


This volume of correspondence, James Simon: Briefe an Wilhelm von Bode 1885 – 1927, will be presented at the James-Simon-Galerie on 20 November at 6 pm. The letters from Simon to Bode, now compiled in a book edited by Olaf Matthes, provide detailed accounts of various artworks and their acquisition. They also illuminate more than forty years of Prussian and Berlin intellectual and museum history.

Olaf Matthes discusses the new publication in his keynote lecture at the James-Simon-Galerie auditorium, with Michael Eissenhauer, general director of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, speaking a word of greeting; Peter Raue, representing the James-Simon-Stiftung, holding a brief welcoming address; and Petra Winter, head of the Zentralarchiv (Central Archive), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, presenting an introduction.

Details of the event can be found here.

James Simon

James Simon (1851–1932) was one of the preeminent donors and patrons in Berlin during the German Empire. As a successful textile merchant he became one of the richest men in Germany, and donated a major portion of his resources to charities addressing societal deficits. His fame, however, stemmed from his unequalled dedication to the Berlin museums. Decisive in this commitment was Simon’s longstanding relationship with Wilhelm von Bode (1845–1929), subsequently the general director of the art collections, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Simon would eventually donate his large and diverse art collection, built up with Bode’s assistance, to those museums.

An event kindly supported by Museum&Location.