In view of the special exhibition "El Siglo de Oro. The Age of Velázquez", we would like to invite you to an exclusive social media evening in the Kulturforum on Saturday, the 24th September 2016.
After the normal opening hours, the art gallery and exhibition will be opened from 6 pm to 10 pm in order to discuss different issues with you. Under the hashtags #exploringelsiglo and #elsiglodeoro, you can tweet, post blog articles and tell your Instagram or Snapchat story. The event takes place in cooperation with mobilephotography.de.
Ancient Art in New Media?!
The Old Masters have nothing to do with the digital media of today? We do not think so – many parallels do exist between the working methods and works of art of that time and the present social networks. We would like to mutually discuss with you how great the similarities are and how avantgarde the works of artists from the Spanish Golden Age also were. By means of various discussions (topics see below), we will, with the assistance of the curatorial team and social media influencers from different areas, bring together the "ancient"art and the new media. After a short welcome, you will be able to attend two discussions of about 30 minutes. Our partner of the event is the Impossible Project, which will allow us to end the evening with some drinks and music.