
4A_Lab Academy on Entanglements Between Humans and Plants, 4–8 November 2024


From 4 to 8 November 2024, the 4A_Lab invites participants to Berlin to attend the interdisciplinary academy Ecological Entanglements across Collections – Plant Lives and Beyond. In discussions among researchers, experts and an interested public, ways of thinking about vegetal and non-human life forms and their role in artistic-aesthetic practices are examined using the example of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SPK, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) collections.

The academy dedicates itself each day to a new topic and different collections, offering exciting insight into Berlin’s rich research Berlin, from the Forschungscampus Dahlem (FCD), the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut and Hamburger Bahnhof to the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library), the Gemäldegalerie (Old Master Paintings), the Musikinstrumenten-Museum (Museum of Musical Instruments) and the Museum für Fotografie (Museum of Photography). The academy lectures are held in English and are accessible online. Selected events are presented in German. Panels, lectures, workshops, and site tours, as well as artistic, auditory and musical performances, create synergies between various perspectives and forms of knowledge.

The 4A_Lab Collaborative Project

The 4A_Lab is a collaborative project of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut (KHI) and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation). Since 2019, it has enabled young international scholars to delve into the holdings of the SPK’s various institutions and museums to research the complex interrelationships of humans with vegetal and non-human life.