Institut für Museumsforschung
The Institut für Museumsforschung (Institute for Museum Research) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, will be funded along with other European partners for the next two years as part of the European Union project Museums of Impact. The aim is to strategically develop museums through their use of self-evaluation instruments.
When you have a strategy, you will have an impact: The main idea behind the EU-funded project MOI! Museums of Impact is to increase museums’ effectiveness by promoting their use of self-evaluation tools to develop themselves strategically. The intention is to initially employ existing models of self-assessment, such as those known in Finland and Great Britain. At the same time a modular instrument applicable throughout Europe is to be developed to complement the currently available approaches.
Dr. Patricia Rahemipour, director of the Institut für Museumsforschung since September 2019, has said about the project:
We are delighted to be part of this special project. For us, as a national research institution, it is particularly important that small and medium-sized institutions gain the opportunity to improve their effectiveness and, as a result, their visibility.
In January a project-launch meeting took place in Helsinki. The upcoming conception phase will involve collecting viewpoints, knowledge and experiences from stakeholders. Three workshops are to held in Germany, Italy and Denmark. The first workshop is being organised by the Institut für Museumsforschung and scheduled to take place 1 April 2020, with the venue and agenda to be communicated in a timely fashion by the Institute.
Partner institutions involved in the project are the Finnish Heritage Agency, the Finnish Museums Association, BAM! Strategie Culturali, the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Museum of Cycladic Art, the Estonian National Museum, the Deutsche Museumsbund/Network of European Museums Organizations, the European Museum Academy, the Museum Council of Iceland and the MUSIS Steirischer Museumsverband. Associated partner institutions are the Association of Independent Museums AIM, the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections, the Netherlands Museumregister Foundation and the ICOM Austria.