Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart | Mark Bradford. Keep Walking | Museum in Motion. A Collection for the 21st Century | from 6.9.2024
Press release Reopening Rieckhallen (German)
Invitation to press preview (German)
Invitation to press preview
Press release reopening Rieckhallen
Press release "Mark Bradford. Keep Walking" (German)
Press release "Mark. Walking Bradford. Keep Walking"
Exhibition texts "Mark Bradford. Keep Walking" (German)
Exhibition texts "Mark Bradford. Keep Walking"
List ofr works "Mark Bradford. Keep Walking"
Biography Mark Bradford
Catalogue text and interview Mark Bradford
Catalogue information (German)
Catalogue information
Press release "Museum in Motion" (German)
Press release "Museum in Motion"
Exhibition texts "Museum in Motion" (German)
Exhibition texts "Museum in Motion"
List of works "Museum in Motion"
ZIP file
Press images
Mechtild Kronenberg
Head of Press, Communication, Sponsorship
Phone: +49 30 266423401
E-Mail: kommunikation[at]smb.spk-berlin.de
Markus Farr
Press officer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Phone: +49 30 266423402
E-Mail: presse[at]smb.spk-berlin.de
Fiona Geuß
Press officer Nationalgalerie
Phone: +49 30 39783416
E-Mail: presse[at]smb.spk-berlin.de
Timo Weißberg
Press officer Dahlem and Museums at the Humboldt Forum
Phone: +49 30 266426803
E-Mail: presse[at]smb.spk-berlin.de
Konstanze Hausstätter
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Phone: +49 30 266423412
E-Mail: k.hausstaetter[at]smb.spk-berlin.de