
Press releases


Ethnologisches Museum | Presentation of two replicas to the Museo Comunitarío Yalambojoch in the presence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala

Press release (German)
ZIP file

Press images

Mechtild Kronenberg
Head of Press, Communication, Sponsorship
Phone: +49 30 266423401
E-Mail: kommunikation[at]

Markus Farr
Press officer Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Phone: +49 30 266423402
E-Mail: presse[at]

Fiona Geuß
Press officer Nationalgalerie
Phone: +49 30 39783416
E-Mail: presse[at]

Timo Weißberg
Press officer Dahlem and Museums at the Humboldt Forum
Phone: +49 30 266426803
E-Mail: presse[at]

Konstanze Hausstätter
Permission for commercial purposes (film, photograph, or record audio request)
Phone: +49 30 266423412
E-Mail: k.hausstaetter[at]