The Nile Island Elephantine can be experienced through the special exhibition on the Museumsinsel, presented in the James-Simon-Galerie and in the Neues Museum. In this comprehensive, world-first exhibition, outstanding objects from Berlin’s collections will be shown alongside highlights from around the world. The diverse content of the texts will be contextualised with reference to archaeological finds and interpreted from a contemporary perspective, giving audiences a unique, first-hand experience of the island of Elephantine on the Museumsinsel Berlin.
Video: Ta Trung
Related Link
ERC Project ELEPHANTINE Exhibition at the Harvard University: Pots as Post-Its: Daily Life Captured on Ancient Egyptian Ostraca
Rubensohn Library of Elephantine: 4000 years of Ancient Egyptian history on papyri now online
Press release
James-Simon-Galerie + Neues Museum | Elephantine. Island of centuries | 26.4. – 27.10.2024
Event serie
Begleitprogramm zur Ausstellung „Elephantine. Insel der Jahrtausende“
Related online offers
ERC Project Elephantine: Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History
Studies on Elephantine (Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung – CC-BY-SA 4.0)
ERC Project Elephantine: Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History. Texts and Scripts from Elephantine Island in Egypt
ERC Project Elephantine
(Online Database)
Trailer: Elephantine. Island of the Millennia