Gathering more than 700 objects from all over Central Europe, the exhibition The Germanic Tribes. An Archaeological Survey and thus presents for the first time a comprehensive insight into the exciting history of the Germanic groups from the 1st to the 3rd century. All thematic areas of life at that time are illuminated in detail on the basis of top-class finds. But what are the highlights of our curators' exhibition?
Our curator of the special exhibition, Susanne Kuprella, will kick things off by presenting her personal highlight object. Sometimes there is a great story behind even the most inconspicuous things. The best example of this are the two wooden idols from the Thuringian sacrificial marsh of Oberdorla. If the first thing you think of when you think of Germanic gods is the hammer-wielding Thor and the all-knowing father of the gods Odin, you'll probably be pretty disappointed after watching this video...
Photo: Two anthropomorphic wooden idols from the sacrificial bog Oberdorla, Gde. Vogtei, Unstrut-Hainich district. Height: 124 cm and 150 cm. © Thuringian State Office for Monument Conservation and Archaeology Weimar - Museum for Prehistory and Early History of Thuringia / Hauke Arnold
Music: Fornnordiska Klanger. Researched and produced by Casja S. Lund
Germanen. 200 Jahre (wissenschaftliche Begleitausstellung zu den Germanen in der JSG)
Akademie-Vortragsreihe „Germanen. Funde — Fakten — Fiktion“ jetzt online
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