Odin, Thor, Loki and the entire heaven of the gods. Who does not know them all? But were these really the gods of the Germanic tribes from the 1st to the 4th century AD, the period in which we speak of Germanic tribes? Or is it rather a romanticized link to the Old Norse heaven of the gods, which has been handed down to us only from the 12th century AD, i.e. the Middle Ages? What can we actually grasp from the cult and belief conception of the Germanic societies and how did these look like? In our new video, Sebastian Olschok clarifies the myths and the provable facts.
Music: Old Fashioned Parlour Piano. Domansed; Ritt der Walküren. Richard Wagner
Opening and closing credits music: Fornnordiska Klanger. Recherchiert und produziert von Casja S. Lund
Akademie-Vortragsreihe „Germanen. Funde — Fakten — Fiktion“ jetzt online
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