
New Acquisition at the Kunstgewerbemuseum: Writing Furniture by José Canops


The magnificent 18th-century writing furniture from the Madrid court atelier of José Canops was acquired with the help of the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation, the Rudolf August Oetker Foundation for Art, Culture, Science and Monument Preservation and the Julius Lessing Society, the Friends of the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts. The writing furniture is built entirely in mahogany and decorated with the rarest veneers. On display are musical trophies of Spanish origin, flowers from the New World and much more.

Schreibbureau mit extravagantem Marketeriedekor in exotischen Hölzern, königliche Madrider Hofwerkstatt von König Carlos III. unter Leitung von José Canops, Madrid um 1770 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum

Production: Stephan Klonk, Berlin