The future visitor centre, the James-Simon-Galerie, is being built on the Museumsinsel. The project is taking shape: a behind-the-scenes look at the construction site and shows the gallery in its final phase before completion.
Our film series "Behind the Scenes" presents the work of some of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin's employees from various departments and institutions.
Video: Bboxx Films
Activity Day to Celebrate the Opening of the James-Simon-Galerie on 13 July 2019
August Gaul’s “Reclining Lion” from the Rudolf Mosse Collection Soon on Display in the James-Simon-Galerie
Handover of the James-Simon-Galerie to the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
The James-Simon-Galerie is Now Open
Press releases
Grundsteinlegung für die James-Simon-Galerie auf der Museumsinsel Berlin
James-Simon-Galerie | August Gauls „Liegender Löwe“ aus der Sammlung Rudolf Mosse begrüßt künftig die Besucher*innen der James-Simon-Galerie
James-Simon-Galerie | Das zentrale Empfangsgebäude auf der Museumsinsel Berlin ist fertig gebaut
James-Simon-Galerie | The new entrance building on the Museumsinsel Berlin | from 13.7.2019
Related online offers
Virtual tour of Museumsinsel and the construction site of the James-Simon-Galerie
(360° Video)
Museum and the City – Stories from the James-Simon-Galerie
Floor Plan of the James-Simon-Galerie (PDF, 104 KB)
(Floor Plan)
Video Series: Behind the Scenes
(Video Series)