
I Internal business records of the Königliche, later Staatliche Museen zu Berlin for period up to 1945

Volume: 2 linear metres (132 files)
Period: 1823–1945
Contents: Founding and setting up of the museum at Schloss Monbijou, records from Giuseppe Passalacqua, records of: expeditions led by Richard Lepsius, installation of exhibition rooms in the Neues Museum, acquisitions, official statements and inquiry responses, publications, restoration treatments, correspondence to and from editors of 'Morgenland' magazine 1924–1930, files from the Papyrus Collection for the years 1926–1943

Volume: 3 linear metres (129 files)
Period: 1836–1949
Contents: Old Pergamonmuseum (first building), new Pergamonmuseum (current building), acquisitions, excavations in Anatolia (incl. Miletus, Priene, Samo), loans, Constantinople office of the Berlin museums, safeguarding and relocation of the museum collections during the Second World War

In 2018/2019 the Zentralarchiv took over various historical holdings of the Antikensammlung. These include documents on excavations (Baalbek, Didyma, Herakleia on Latmos and in the Latmos Mountains, Magnesia on the Maeander, Miletus, Myus, Olympia, Palmyra, Pergamon, Priene, Samos, and others), correspondence, documents on exhibitions and publications. The holdings are currently being integrated into the plan of record groups and made accessible.

Please notice: Pure photo stock to excavations remained in the Photo collection of the Antikensammlung.

Please contact us for further information.

Volume: 27 linear metres (846 files), approx. 12,500 construction plans
Period: 1821–1968
Contents: Files and construction plans from the museum construction management department regarding new constructions, renovations of existing buildings, interior design and maintenance of:

  • museum buildings (incl. Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Nationalgalerie, Kaiser Friedrich-Museum, Asiatisches Museum Dahlem, Pergamonmuseum, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Museum für Völkerkunde, Kunstbibliothek)
  • buildings put to temporary use by the museums (Schloss Monbijou, Berlin Palace/Stadtschloss, Zeughaus, Bauakademie, Palais Kreutz, Kronprinzen-Palais)
  • other buildings not used as museums (incl. Königliche Akademie and Königliche Bibliothek on Unter den Linden, Schauspielhaus, Brandenburger Tor, Berliner Dom)

Volume: 0.1 linear metres (1 file)
Period: 1916/17, 1928
Contents: Internal documents belonging to Friedrich Rathgen

Volume: 0.5 linear metres (59 files)
Period: 1842–1958
Contents: Acquisitions, exhibitions, publications (collection catalogues of Oskar Wulff and Fritz Volbach), safeguarding of artworks during the Second World War

Volume: 15 linear metres (369 files)
Period: 1827–1953
Contents: Acquisitions, acquisition proposals, requests, donations and legacies, exchanged and surrendered artworks, exhibitions, establishment of the German Museum, loans (incoming and outgoing), statements of expert opinion and evaluations, restoration and conservation of paintings, publications, reation of the paintings department in the Kaiser Friedrich-Museum

Volume: 90 linear metres (approx. 2250 files)
Period: 1824–1947
Contents: Personnel records of the directors-general, museum accounts, invoices and receipts of museum financial department showing revenue and expenditure

Volume: 0.2 linear metres (5 files)
Period: 1890–1940
Contents: Inventories and lists of personnel

Volume: 3 linear metres (88 files)
Period: 1896–1957
Contents: Acquisitions, excavations, loans, publications, acquisition of the Mshatta Facade 1902–1904

Volume: 3.5 linear metres (192 files)
Period: 1843–1966
Contents: Establishment and inauguration of the museum, acquisitions of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum Verein, restoration of artworks, sales of catalogues and postcards, thefts

Volume: 2 linear metres (66 files)
Period: 1696–1918
Contents: Establishment, acquisitions, files from the museums’ general directorate, acquisitions in the period 1850 to 1868, files relating to the dissolution of the Kunstkammer

Volume: 0.4 linear metres (27 files)
Period: 1887–1954
Contents: Acquisitions, exhibitions, personalia, safeguarding of the museum collections during the Second World War

Volume: 1.1 linear metres (38 files)
Period: 1867–1972
Contents: Acquisitions, inventory of objects presented to the Kunstgewerbemuseum by the Zeughaus, construction and setting up of the museum, matters relating to the premises, educational institute

Volume: 1,3 linear metres (84 files)
Period: 1843–1958
Contents: Acquisition proposals, acquisitions, exhibitions, official statements and inquiry responses, publications, internal documents of Friedrich Winkler

Volume: 6 linear metres (145 files)
Period: 1810–1946
Contents: Acquisitions of antique coins and coins of the Middle Ages and the modern period, exchange and surrender of duplicates, expert evaluations

Volume: 3.5 linear metres (159 files)
Period: 1891–1946
Contents: Acquisitions, exhibition, loans, publications, ethnographic research, public-relations work, activities of the 'School and Museum' department

Volume: 72 linear metres, 1102 files, currently accessible only on 391 microfilms
Period: 1830–1947
Contents: acquisitions files Europe, South Pacific and Australia, Americas, Asia, Africa; acquisitions generally, Baessler archive, investigations of old ship types, ledgers, staff lists, inventories, budget, regulations, various matters, general, items on loan, new museum building, directions for staff, collections, conferences, conservation and restoration, yearly reports of the Ethnological Department, opening of the museum, lectures and talks, matters relating to the premises, submission and exchange of doubles, library matters, treasury, bookkeeping and budget matters. 

Volume: 2.5 linear metres (42 files)
Period: 1896–1948
Contents: Acquisitions, acquisition proposals, the travels of Otto Kümmel to East Asia, donations, loans

Volume: 2.5 linear metres (117 files)
Period: 1880–1946
Contents: Setting up the library, acquisition proposals, purchase and exchange of publications, internal documents of director Friedrich Winkler relating to art-historical research and publications from the years 1925 to 1931, editorial correspondence surrounding the 'Yearbook of the Prussian Art Collections' for 1901–1910, 1919–1931, and 1939–1945

Volume: 52.5 linear metres (approx. 1600 files)
Period: 1864–1969
Contents: Installing collection and administration of the building of the National Gallery, acquisitions of paintings, sculptures, and drawings, acquisition proposals, donations and legacies, sale and exchanges, loans, exhibitions, expert evaluations, official statements and inquiry responses, files on artists and files of employees, files relating to: collection of hand drawings, portrait collection, proposed Schinkel Museum, proposed Rauch Museum, New Department in the Kronprinzen-Palais for modern art, Nazi’s 'Degenerate Art' campaign.

Volume: 7.5 linear metres (190 files)
Period: 1845–1957
Contents: Acquisitions, acquisition proposals, donations, founding of the Deutsches Museum (German Museum), loans (incoming and outgoing), expert evaluations, exchange and surrender of objects, internal documents of Theodor Demmler, controversy surrounding the Flora Bust

Volume: 4 linear metres (315 files)
Period: 1890–1984
Contents: Setting up of department in the Pergamonmuseum, acquisitions, excavations, publications, official statements and inquiry responses, research partnerships and research funding, personalia, travels