

Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science

The IPERION HS consortium addresses the challenge of establishing a European research infrastructure for heritage science.

IPERION HS integrates national institutions in the field of heritage science and aims to create a research infrastructure that provides access to a wide range of scientific instruments, methods, data, and tools. The RF works as the national coordinator in collaboration with the following partner institutions in Germany:

  • Competence Center Archaeometry Baden-Wuerttemberg, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (CCA-BW EKUT)
  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH – Aachen University)
  • Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH (CEZA)
  • German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
  • Fraunhofer Building Lab

Project Partner: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy, and numerous other institutions across Europe
Sponsor: European Union, Horizon 2020 (H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1)
Duration: 2020 until 2023
Project website: