
Development of an ultrasound device to analyse the impact of anthropogenic pollution on monuments made of marble

The object of the study is to assess the potential for using and further developing modern ultrasonic technologies to perform fast and non-destructive analyses of monuments made of marble.

Today’s ultrasound systems for the healthcare industry are capable of imaging and can be used in combination with tracking systems to create three-dimensional representations of the insides of objects. For example, this capability can be achieved by combining a phased array system with magnetic field tracking systems. The Rathgen-Forschungslabor is working on the development of a new instrument that will be adapted to the specific needs of marble. The device will hopefully be portable and, as well as imaging, should include all known advantages of ultrasound: a non-destructive, fast, economical and reliable method for condition monitoring.

Project partner: Fraunhofer-Institut für Biomedizinische Technik, IBMT Sankt Ingbert
Funding: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
Duration: 2010 to 2013