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Concert series "Mschatta Lounge": Cyminology – Mschatta Fassade

Audio Track

Cyminology - "Echoes Stereo Bounce", Mschatta Lounge Track to the Mshatta Facade (6:01 min.)

Concert Series „Mschatta Lounge“

The 6-part concert series "Mschatta Lounge" opened the museum as a platform for cross-over productions and musical inspiration from the midst of changing societies. The idea was to combine music with works of art to create expressions of global interdependence that would be multi-sensitively perceptible. Six bands were invited to the "Mschatta Lounge" in 2019, each of which interpreted an object from the exhibition in their own musical language. The compositions can be found as "Mschatta Tracks" on the audio guides and on this website under the respective musicians.

The interfaces of social diversity are made visible throughout The Museum for Islamic Art. Many objects were created through cross-cultural exchange, typically through the migration of artists, ideas and objects. Music also migrated across epochs and all political, ethnic, religious and linguistic boundaries, and continues to develop through dynamic exchange to this day.

Many classical and modern musical instruments have their ancestors in the Middle East, whether guitar, oboe or violin. The museum contains numerous illustrations of these instruments from many different centuries and regions. Without cultural exchange, today's music could not have been created. The works of art in the museum are, just like the Mschatta tracks, expressions of common interwoven stories. Contemporary music evokes this exchange in a catchy way.