
Online Publications from the Neues Museum

Online Publication

Telephus Frieze entry – Teuthras gives Auge to Telephus as his wife, part of the small frieze (“Telephus Frieze”) of the Pergamon Altar, ca. 170 BC, ident. no. T.I. 36, from the inventory of the Telephus Frieze
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung

Acquisition and Accession Logs of the Antikensammlung


Papyrus fragment originating from the Nile island of Elephantine, held between sheets of glass in the storerooms of the Archäologisches Zentrum © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Juliane Eirich
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Juliane Eirich

Studies on Elephantine - New Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine in Berlin

Online Publication

Record for the bust of Nefertiti, object number ÄM 21300, catalogue ÄM. 21001-ÄM. 22000, Egyptian Museum's collection, detail
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung

Acquisition and Accession Logs of the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung

Online Publication

Record for the "Linsenflasche von Matzhausen", object number Iic 1244, Catalogue A IIa 1-IIc 1387, detail
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte

Acquisition and Accession Logs of the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte

Floor Plan

Impressions of the Museumsinsel Berlin
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / David von Becker

Floor Plan of the Museumsinsel (PDF, 868 KB)

Online Publication

Map showing the location of the settlement mounds of Anau in Turkmenistan.
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte / Karte: D. Greinert

The excavations of Hubert Schmidt in Anau (Turkmenistan) (PDF, 6,23 MB)

Online Publication

Bust of Nefertiti, Egypt, Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, around 1351–1334 BC, gifted by James Simon
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Margarete Büsing

Exhibition catalogue "In the Light of Amarna" (PDF, 67.8 MB)