Extended opening hours: Every Friday and Saturday, the special exhibition Nan Goldin. This Will Not End Well is open from 10 am to 8 pm.


Past exhibitions

No description available

Neue Nationalgalerie
Gerd Rohling
Wasser und Wein

21.11.2003 to 04.01.2004

No description available

Neue Nationalgalerie
Anarchy in Art
The Bequests of Otto van de Loo for Berlin and Emden

19.11.2003 to 11.01.2004

No description available

Neue Nationalgalerie
Kunst in der DDR
Eine Retrospektive der Nationalgalerie

25.07.2003 to 26.10.2003

No description available

Neue Nationalgalerie
Giorgio Armani

08.05.2003 to 13.07.2003

No description available

Neue Nationalgalerie
Alexis Akrithakis

28.03.2003 to 15.06.2003