
#StandWithUkraine: Raising a Quarter Million Euros for Ukraine in a Collective Act of Solidarity – Fundraising Continues

Neue Nationalgalerie

Our Space to Help – an event that was an extensive show of solidarity held at the Neue Nationalgalerie – was organised by various Berlin art institutions to help Ukrainian refugees last weekend. Together with approximately 7,000 visitors, this event raised nearly 250,000 euros in donations in one weekend alone. Further donations can be made via the organisation Be an Angel e. V.

Donations for Refugees from Ukraine

Rest assured, 100% of the donations go directly to the Berlin-based organisation Be an Angel e. V. They support refugees arriving in Berlin, the transportation of refugees from the Republic of Moldova and sending medical supplies to Kyiv and Odesa. Be An Angel e. V. and the Neue Nationalgalerie continue the request for donations via bank transfers:

Be an Angel e. V. 
Donation code: #kunst4ukraine
Account: 014 522 59 00
BLZ 100 708 48 (Deutsche Bank)
IBAN DE37100708480145225900 

About the Solidarity Weekend

Initiated by Klaus Biesenbach, director of the Neue Nationalgalerie, in close cooperation with the artists Anne Imhof and Ólafur Elíasson, the upper level of Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie building was turned into a space of vigil and solidarity for 36-hours.

From Saturday, 5 March through Sunday, 6 March 2022, many Berlin residents and artists participated and stood before the open mike, among them Clemens Schick, Florian Illies, Prem Krishnamurthy, Luki von der Gracht, Ariel Reichmann, Christina Seifert, Margret Köll, GUSH (Steven Warwick & Iván Brito), Lars Eidinger, and Herbert Grönemeyer. On the second day of the fundraiser, a small child ran onto the stage, took the microphone and said: “We don’t want a war!”

Citing this child, Klaus Biesenbach remarked:

Our solidarity is with all those who don’t want war. Our support goes out to all people who are not living in peace all over the world! Our thanks go to everyone who has helped by making a contribution and therefore taking the first step. We want to thank the people of Berlin who participated in this space of solidarity and who made a donation. We would also like to thank the artists for their contributions at the Neue Nationalgalerie, for making us aware that this is about freedom and peace. Last but not least, we would like to thank our colleagues at Berlin’s art institutions who supported Our Space to Help.