Extended opening hours: Every Friday and Saturday, the special exhibition Nan Goldin. This Will Not End Well is open from 10 am to 8 pm.


Dr. Emily Joyce Evans


Research Associate (Neue Nationalgalerie)


Neue Nationalgalerie



Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

Responsible for the forthcoming (online) collections catalogue covering all artwork from 1946 through 2000: art historical research, data editing, project management


Since September 2018 Researcher at the Neue Nationalgalerie responsible for research into the Nationalgalerie's collection and for the online and print publication of a comprehensive catalogue.
12/2014 - 8/2018 Editor, De Gruyter academic publishing, Berlin. Responsible for the "Art Market Dictionary" (published 2023 under the title "Bloomsbury Art Markets", Bloomsbury Publishing, London)
03/2013 - 6/2014 Researcher and editor for Kasper König, curator for the Manifesta 10 European Biennial of Contemporary Art (St. Petersburg, 2014)
2/2009 - 2/2011 Assistant curator (Volontärin), Museum Ludwig, Cologne
1998 - 2014 Studied art history, German and Russian at Smith College (BA), the University of Hamburg and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (MA, PhD)


  • Since 2007: Member of the College Art Association (CAA)
  • Since 2009/2021: Member of ICOM


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Staff of the Neue Nationalgalerie

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.