
Upcoming exhibitions

Reconstruction of the Byzantine costume of a royal mother from Makuria after a wallpainting in the medieval cathedral of Faras, Nubia (Sudan)
© Paulina Matusiak und Eddy Wenting

Dress to Impress
Reconstructions of Medieval Robes from Nubia

06.02.2025 to 12.04.2025

Paul Klee, Angelus Novus, 1920, Oil transfer and watercolor on paper, 318 x 242 mm, Gift of Fania and Gershom Scholem, Jerusalem; John Herring, Marlene and Paul Herring, Jo Carole and Ronald Lauder, New York
Photo © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Elie Posner

The Angel of History
Walter Benjamin, Paul Klee and the Berlin Angels 80 Years After WWII

08.05.2025 to 13.07.2025

Bahr Yusuf in Medinet el-Fayum (Egypt), Georg Schweinfurth, who accompanied Heinrich Schliemann and Rudolf Virchow on their journey in the Fayum in 1888, sitting on the bank on the left.
© private (with kind permission) / Photo: Rudolf Virchow, 1888

Neues Museum
On Paths Untrodden
Georg Schweinfurth and His Significance for the Collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

22.05.2025 to 08.02.2026

Camille Claudel, L'Implorante (petit modèle), detail, design 1898 (cast around 1905?), bronze, Alte Nationalgalerie
Photo: courtesy of Bowman Sculpture Gallery, London, UK

Alte Nationalgalerie
Camille Claudel and Bernhard Hoetger
Emancipation from Rodin

06.06.2025 to 28.09.2025

Lovis Corinth, Woman with Rose Hat, 1912, detail, oil on canvas
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie / Reinhard Saczewski

Alte Nationalgalerie
Im Visier!
Lovis Corinth, die Nationalgalerie und die Aktion „Entartete Kunst“

18.07.2025 to 02.11.2025

Sandro Botticelli, Portrait of Giuliano de' Medici, 1478
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie / Christoph Schmidt

The Pazzi Conspiracy
Power, Violence and Art in Renaissance-Era Florence

24.10.2025 to 20.09.2026