
Dr. Karsten Dahmen


Deputy Director (Münzkabinett)





Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

  • curator for coins of the Late Antique, Gallic empire, and Byzantine periods. Oriental and Islamic coins, (non-German) foreign medals.
    Website of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
  • developement and editorial work for the Münzkabinett's online catalogue
  • directing, developing and editing the Münzkabinett's Authorative Data Portal (NDP)
    Authorative Data Portal (NDP)
  • co-ordination and creation of digital concepts, ids, and Linked Open Data for the use by Münzkabinett partner institutions and the NUMiD-Verbund
  • research into the history of the Münzkabinett's collection and provenance research
  • research into the coinages of the Hellenistic, Late-Roman, and Migration periods, iconography


01/2004 until 12/2006 internship Münzkabinett
1/2007 until 12/2009 scientific collaborator in the German Research-Board funded project on Merovingian coinage, see und (MittelalterStudien vols 27&30)
1/2010 until 7/2018 scientific collaborator and curator in the Münzkabinett
Since 8/2018 deputy director Münzkabinett


  • Since October 2017 member of the Ombuds Committee for scientific integrity within SPK
  • Since 2014 member of Steering Committee von
  • member of the advisory committee regarding MDS/RIA of SMB
  • Since 2019 member of the advisory board of the online journal Oceanus of Münster University
  • Since 2014 member of the scientific committee of the journal Notae Numismaticae of the Museum Narodowe in Cracow
  • member of the board for the Berlin Numismatic Society est. 1843 as speaker for the ancient coins division, editor
  • peer reviews for journals and publications by academic institutions
  • one of the judges for the Coin of the Year (COTY) award Krause Publications


Selected monographs, papers, lectures.

Related links

Museum and the City (2015)

Staff of the Museumsinsel Berlin

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.