The Koordinierung Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa (Centre for East-Central and Southeastern Europe) was incorporated into the Museum Europäischer Kulturen in 2004. The Centre is dedicated to addressing a wide variety of enquiries into the cultures of eastern Europe, with the objective of drawing the attention of the western public more effectively to this part of Europe. The Centre’s transnational research and exhibition projects are also designed to promote reciprocal awareness among eastern European countries, and to develop corresponding networks of cultural institutions and NGOs.
As a catalyst and coordinator, the Centre addresses current socio-political topics in this region, facilitating a multiperspectival and transnational dialogue. The Centre works directly with local partners to research and develop innovative formats for travelling exhibitions that are flexible and expandable, enduring, mobile, multilingual, and appropriate for public settings and outreach outside the museum.
Brave New World - Romanian Migrants’ Dream Houses illuminates the two worlds in which Romanian migrants operate today. Work dominates their lives in western European host countries; in their home regions prestigious houses stand as visible symbols of their economic success and their new, western, lifestyle.
comiXconnection – strip, bandă desenată, strip, képregény, ϲтрип addresses contemporary independent comics in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, and Romania. This travelling exhibition seeks out the various comic scenes in these neighbouring countries and draws connections between them. One long-term goal of the exhibit is to increase appreciation of the comic as an artistic medium and as a versatile form of communication for younger generations.
Encounters brings historic photographs from southern Hungary together with a contemporary panorama from the border region of Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia in a double exhibition. These images reflect ethnic and local/regional classifications and affiliations. In the photography event Bring ein Ding! (Bring a Thing!) visitors are invited to describe their own connection to another culture in relation to a personal object.
presents the culture, politics, and everyday life of the Republic of Moldova in a mobile, multimedia exhibit space housed in a microbus. The MOLDOVAmobil stops in multiple locations in Berlin, Leipzig, and Mannheim. Subsequently, cultural institutions and NGOs in the Republic of Moldova use the bus as a mobile presentation platform for their own projects.Rumänien – Blickwechsel (Romania – Change in Perspective) presents a multiperspectival juxtaposition of foreign images and self-perceptions of this southeastern European country. The exhibit provides a multimedia approach to Romania, a cultural region in transition: between tradition and modernity, between persistent clichés and new realities.