
Become friends – be friends: Verein der Freunde des Museums Europäischer Kulturen e. V.

The Verein der Freunde des Museums Europäischer Kulturen e. V. (Association of Friends of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen) has been supporting the museum since 1978, providing funding for acquisitions, restoration and conservation work, exhibitions, publications, and events such as the European Culture Days. Individual members also volunteer at the museum.

The association also issues its own journal series Schriften der Freunde des Museums Europäischer Kulturen. This affordable publication covers various collection objects and topics related to museum exhibitions.

The MEK relies on friends and supporters. We would like to thank all association members, and are always happy to welcome new Friends of the MEK. As a thank you for your commitment, association members enjoy a regular programme of tours, special events – readings, concerts, talks – as well as celebrations and excursions.

More information and a membership application form can be found at the association website.