

The Münzkabinett not only serves as a museum and archive of coinage but also undertakes research in the area of numismatics and exonumia. As academic disciplines, both subjects are traditionally anchored in museums and are no longer explicitly taught in German universities.

The Münzkabinett at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin is thus the largest institution dedicated to numismatics in Germany and is committed to preserving and advancing the subject as an important historical resource. In addition, it makes its holdings available for research (online-catalogue), publishes catalogues of its inventory and undertakes its own research based on its collections.

It organises lectures and courses at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is involved in international research projects (such as 'Sylloge Nummorum Sassanidorum'; 'Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum') and publishes two academic journals: 'Berliner Numismatische Forschungen' (since 1987, since 1991 Neue Folge) and 'Das Kabinett' (since 1994).