
The Romanesque Dome Reliquary from Cologne

In recent years, research on medieval sacred art has concentrated primarily on the domed reliquaries in London, Berlin and Darmstadt. Evidence indicates that all three surviving Romanesque receptacles in the shape of a domed church or cupola can be ascribed to the workshops of Cologne.

In November 2011 a conservation and research project, initiated in 2007 in cooperation with the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt at the Kunstgewerbemuseum, ended with the symposium "Metamorphoses, new research on the Romanesque tower reliquary from the Hüpsch Collection" which introduced the project’s findings and new interpretations within the art-historical and liturgical context. A publication of the research is forthcoming.

Contact: Lothar Lambacher, Assistant Director, Kunstgewerbemuseum