With the foundation of Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (KPM) Berlin in the year 1763, Friedrich the Great established one of the leading European porcelain manufacturers which soon produced sculptural artworks in porcelain that rivalled the best in Europe. About 200 porcelain figures are owned by the Kunstgewerbemuseum from the first century of production.
The project is dedicated to cataloguing the Berlin porcelain figures against the background of other contemporary sculpture. The aim is create an in-depth scholarly catalogue with essays on pertinent topics. It will be complemented by an index of works that were lost to the museum, about 180 porcelain figures, which will serve as an important record of the rich holdings of the Kunstgewerbemuseum before the Second World War.
Contact: Dr Dorothee Heim
Funding: DFG
Duration: 2013 to 2016
Publication: "Die Berliner Porzellanplastik 1751-1825" published by Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Regensburg. (German only)