
Offers for children & families

Abb li.:
Kurfürst August von Sachsen 
Hans Krell, wohl Dresden, 1561
Rüstkammer, SKD, Inv.-Nr. H 0093

Abb. Mitte:
Kurfürst August von Sachsen
Lucas Cranach d.J., Dresden, 1565
Rüstkammer, SKD, Inv.-Nr. H 0094

Abb. re.:
Kurfürstin Anna von Sachsen
Lucas Cranach d.J., Dresden, 1564
Rüstkammer, SKD, Inv.-Nr. H 0095
© Rüstkammer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Elke Estel, Hans Peter Klut
Kleider, Schmuck und Waffen. Vestimentäre Repräsentation am kurfürstlich-sächsischen Hof 1550 –1650

Lecture | Lecture series |
Wed 09.04.2025 6:00 PM

Join in the painting! Can we get 101 Dalmatians together? © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Christina Thomson
Join in the painting! Can we get 101 Dalmatians together? © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Christina Thomson

Six stations for children are integrated into „The Big Screen“, making it an exhibition for the whole family. Our mascot Paula Popcorn takes you to film posters that offer something to listen to, play with, and draw – all for free, no booking required.

Integrated children's stations
Freely accessible during opening hours
For children aged 4 and above and their families