
Study on the Economic Impact of Museums in Germany

This comprehensive study systematically examines the economic impact of museums in Germany. For the first time, it provides an informed overview, backed by data, illustrating the economic effects of museum activities in Germany. It has been inspired by a study carried out and published by the Museumsbund Österreich (Austrian Museums Association) in 2018: “Zur Lage der österreichischen Museen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme” (The State of the Austrian Museums: A Review).

Background and Objectives

The debate about the societal relevance of museums requires a comprehensive analysis that takes into account both sociocultural and economic aspects. The “Studie zu den ökonomischen Wirkungen der Museumslandschaft in Deutschland” (Study on the Economic Effects of Museums in Germany) focuses exclusively on the economic impact of museums. It is modelled on the aforementioned analysis "Zur Lage der österreichischen Museen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme“ (PDF, 1,6 MB, in German) carried out by the Austrian Association of Museums in 2017 and 2018.

Direct, indirect and induced effects of museum activities are analysed. These include:

  • Direct effects: The economic activity of the museums themselves, for example, through operations and events
  • Indirect effects: Effects of museum suppliers, including vendors and service providers (e.g., for energy, exhibition construction, advertising)
  • Induced effects: Effects resulting from the consumption of goods and services and the use of income by museum employees, suppliers and service providers

Significance of the Findings

The study findings enable museums to reveal their economic impact and to incorporate it into their discussions with stakeholders. The findings thus provide valuable information for political and public debate about the societal relevance of museums. Besides the overall evaluation, participating museums also receive an individual analysis of their specific economic impact. An additionally developed survey and analysis tool makes it easy to repeat and update the study.

Implementation and Scheduling

The research is being conducted as part of an online survey since October 2014 and is expected to run until the end of January 2025. All interested museums are invited to participate. The link to the survey can be requested by email from the Institut für Museumsforschung (Institute for Museum Research): ifm[at] Specific museums are expressly invited to participate to ensure a representative database.

The Institut für Museumsforschung is conducting the study in collaboration with ICG Integrated Consulting. The project runs from August 2024 to February 2025. Initial findings will be published in an abridged version in late 2024, with the complete evaluation appearing in spring 2025.

Project management: Kathrin Grotz (Institut für Museumsforschung), Prof. Dr. Patricia Rahemipour (Institut für Museumsforschung)
Project team: Silvia Selinski (Institut für Museumsforschung)
Collaboration: ICG Integrated Consulting
Duration: August 2024 – February 2025

Research at the Institut für Museumsforschung