
Museum Desk - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

The Institut für Museumsforschung is home to the museum desk of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library, DDB). The DDB’s museum desk is responsible for overseeing the integration of object data from German museums into the DDB and liaises with interested museums about their participation in the DDB.

The museum desk is based at the Institut für Museumsforschung in Berlin. In addition to overseeing the integration of object data into the DDB and liaising with German museums about joining the DDB, the desk also passes on feedback from museums with respect to the ongoing development of the DDB portal and its services. As a member of the LIDO working group, the DDB’s museum desk contributes to the development of the international data exchange format LIDO for the museum sector. Currently, this working group is coordinated by the BMBF-funded project “KONDA – Continuous Quality Management of Dynamic Research Data on Objects of Material Culture Using the LIDO Standard”.

As a central national portal, the DDB is intended to act as a hub for the digital resources of all German cultural and research institutions. The aim is to give everyone free access to Germany’s cultural and scholarly heritage via the internet, through millions of books, archives, pictures, sculptures, pieces of music and other audio material, films and music scores.

The DDB Museum Department is co-initiator of the minimal dataset working group, which developed the (German language) minimum dataset recommendation for museums and collections.

Research at the Institut für Museumsforschung