
NWBF Annual Conference in 2023: Review and Documentation

Institut für Museumsforschung

The 2023 annual conference of the Netzwerk Besucher*innenforschung e.V. (NWBF, Visitor Research Network) took place at the W. Michael Blumenthal Academy at the Jüdisches Museum Berlin (Jewish Museum) on 16 and 17 October 2023.

More than 100 participants exchanged views over two full days in Berlin under the title “Bildung im Museum: Datenerhebungen, Evaluationen und Begleitforschung – Welche Methoden passen zu welchem Projekt?” (Museum Education: Data Collection, Evaluations and Accompanying Research – Which Methods Can Be Applied to Which Projects?). They also discussed various issues, such as:

  • Why do museums, funders and politicians need data about visitors/and non-visitors?
  • What type of data do they need?
  • And who actually decides what is relevant?

In a dynamic alternation between impulse lectures, discussion formats and practical phases, topics such as measuring the impact of educational offerings, identifying indicators for assessing effectiveness, and the visualisation of learning processes in the museum were dealt with on an equal footing with the graphical processing of data for different target groups. The successful mix of theoretical concepts and practical applications made for an intensive exchange between the participants possible.

We are grateful to everyone involved ‒ the speakers, organisers and participants ‒ for their engagement and diverse contributions. Special thanks go to the Jüdisches Museum Berlin for providing the space and organising the programme.

The Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung inklusive der präsentierten Inhalte der Referent*innen (PDF, 2 MB) (a summary of the event including contents presented by the speakers) is now available for download (in German).

Specialist Conference in 2024

The Netzwerk Besucher*innenforschung strives to foster scholarly exchange and encourage dialogue. The next specialist conference will be held in Berlin on 15 April 2024. Information about the programme and registration will be published at the beginning of 2024.

Do you have questions, or are you interested in a personal or institutional membership with the Netzwerk Besucher*innenforschung e.V. (NWBF)? Please don’t hesitate to contact our office: info[at]