
Prof. Dr. Patricia Rahemipour


Director (Institut für Museumsforschung)


Institut für Museumsforschung



Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

Director Institute for Museum Research, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Website of the Institute for Museum Research


Since 09/2019 Director Institute for Museum Research, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
02/2016 until 08/2019 Director Botanical Museum and the Department of Knowledge Communication, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, FU Berlin
02/2014 until 02/2016 Consultant, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin
01/2013 until 12/2014 Senior Curator | Project Manager, Jewish Museum, Frankfurt (50%) (Creation of the exhibition concept, concept & realization of the exhibition catalog)
01/2013 until 01/2014 Coordinator, Humboldt-University, Berlin (50%) (Coordination of the Einstein Fellowship at the Excellence Cluster Topoi)
01/2012 until 12/2012 Consultant | Senior Curator, Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute, Frankfurt a.M.
10/2011 until 12/2012 Freelance research assistant, Humboldt University, Berlin (Responsible for public relations for the Excellence Cluster Topoi and the exhibition "Beyond the Horizon")
10/2010 until 12/2011 Project Management | Curator (exhibition "Tehran 50"), Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
10/2008 until 12/2009 Head of Archive, Head Office of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
01/2008 until 11/2008 Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Center "Ancient World", Freie Universität Berlin


  • Since 2017: Member of the Advisory Board of the Humboldt Cultural Forum Goldkronach
  • Early 2017: Member of the expert group for the evaluation of the Deutsches Museum on behalf of the Senate of the Leibniz Association
  • Since 2016: Member of the board of the Landesverband der Museen zu Berlin e.V.
  • Since 2016: Member of the board of the Verein der naturforschenden Museen zu Berlin
  • 2015: Foundation of the research association of collection-based institutions in Berlin "KOSMOS Berlin :: Objekte Akteure Netzwerke"


  • _with Kathrin Grotz, Museumsstatistik im Quadrat 2018. Special issue 6 of the materials from the Institute for Museum Research - Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. (Berlin 2020) 72 p.
  • _with K. Grotz: Wie Wissen wächst. Alexander von Humboldt, ein Album amicorum und die Pflanzen. In: Blankenstein, D., Savoy, B., Gross, R. & Scriba, A. (Ed.): Wilhelm und Alexander von Humboldt. Catalog for the exhibition of the same name in the German Hist. Museum.- Darmstadt 2019, Theiss: 65-74.
  • _with K. Grotz: Wie Wissen wächst. Alexander von Humboldt und die Wissensproduktion. ‒ MuseumsJournal 2019 (4): 50-51.
  • _(Ed.): Der Sammler Georg August Zenker. Eine wissenschaftshistorische und künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit der Kolonialgeschichte des Sammelns. Volume 1 of the series KOSMOS Berlin. Objects Actors Networks (Berlin 2019)
  • _with Kathrin Grotz: Schule des Sehens. Über den Typus des Modellmuseums und Konjunkturen von Modellen. In: Nachdenken über Modelle. Conference volume for the conference of the same name of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg 2016 (in print)
  • _with Kerstin Hofmann, Ulf Ickerodt, Matthias Maluck (Ed.): Kulturerbe = Kulturpflicht? 3rd special issue of the Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein. Theoretical reflections on dealing with archaeological sites (Schleswig 2018)
  • _Kathrin Grotz, Helga Ochoterena (eds.): Chili und Schokolade: Der Geschmack Mexikos. Exhibition catalog for the bag (Berlin 2017)
  • _with Kathrin Grotz: Chili und Schokolade. Ein botanisches Kochbuch mit Illustrationen von Elvia Esparza (Berlin 2017)
  • _with Christiane Quaisser, Peter Giere, Eva Häffner, Daniela Schwarz, Manja Voss (eds.): Green museum - how to practice what we preach? : 2016 SPNHC conference : 31st annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation no natural history collections (Berlin 2016)
  • _with Svend Hansen, Raphael Gross (eds.): Im Licht der Menora - exhibition catalog for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt (Frankfurt / New York 2014)
  • _Barbara Helwing (Ed.): Tehran 50. Ein halbes Jahrhundert deutsche Archäologie in Iran. Exhibition catalogue of the exhibition of the same name (Berlin 2012)

Staff of the Institut für Museumsforschung

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.