
Gipsformerei: New Opening Hours Starting on 1 June 2024

Gipsformerei – Kunstmanufaktur seit 1819

The Gipsformerei (Replica Workshop) is undergoing extensive refurbishment and expansion. Headed by the architectural offices Gerkan, Marg & Partners (gmp), state-of-the-art storage and workshop areas for the production of high-quality casts are being created in an area covering c. 13,000 square metres. As a result, adjusted opening hours are necessary as of 1 June 2024.

The new opening hours of the Gipsformerei go into effect on 1 June 2024 due to the planned refurbishments. The salesroom is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 am ‒ 4 pm.

Casts of selected masterworks will continue to be sold throughout the construction and renovation period. Orders can be placed online via the Gipsformerei shop.

In addition, the Gipsformerei staff remain available for personal consultations by appointment.