
M.A. Steffen Backhaus


Museologist (Office for Research, Exhibitions, Projects)


Office for Research, Exhibitions, Projects / Generaldirektion



Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

  • Exhibition Design and Production
  • Communication and Graphic Design


04/2024–05/2024 Professional training: Digital Illustration, Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts London
11/2022–06/2023 Professional training: Graphic Design, Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin
Since 03/2023 Museologist in the Exhibition Design and Production Team, Generaldirektion of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
10/2022–02/2023 Research Associate, Institut für Museumsforschung of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
10/2020–09/2022 Curatorial Assistant, Institut für Museumsforschung of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
10/2017–03/2020 Master's degree in Management and Communication in Museums, University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin


  • Since 2023 Member of the Working Group on Visual Communication of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
  • Since 2021 Member of the Forum Museolog*innen
  • Since 2018 Member of ICOM Germany


Backhaus, Steffen (2023) Think-Aloud-Methode. In: Herzberg, Johann (ed.) museum4punkt0 | workbook. Impulse & Tools für die digitale Kulturvermittlung. Berlin: Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz.

Staff of the Generaldirektion

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.