
Dr. Stephan Kemperdick


Curator (Gemäldegalerie)





Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

13th to 16th-century painting from north of the Alps, Late Gothic art


Since 12/2007 Curator of German, Netherlandish, and French Paintings before 1600, Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
4/2005 until 11/2007 Curator of Old Master Paintings Kunstmuseum Basel
8/2003 until 3/2005 Contract of work for a scholarly catalogue of German and Bohemian painting 1230-1430, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, financed by the Getty Fooundation, Los Angeles
6/1999 until 8/2002 Assistant curator at the Städel Museum, Frankfort on the Main, for work on a critical catalogue of German paintings until 1550, financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
5/1997 until 4/1999 Contract of work for participating in the catalogue of the Speck von Sternburg Foundation, Museum of Fine Arts, Leipzig
5/1996 Graduation Dr. phil at the Freie Universität, Berlin
12/1992 until 12/1995 Working on a PhD dissertation on the "Master of Flémalle"
5/1992 Graduation Magister in art history, Freie Universität, Berlin
2/1987 until 2/1991 Studying art history in Bochum and, from 2/1988 on, at the Freie Universität, Berlin
10/1983 until 2/1987 Studying art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Düsseldorf


  • Since 2018: Member of the Programme Commission of CODART (Curators of Dutch Art)
  • Since 3/2015 Member of the advisory committee of the Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, responsibility: Medieval painting


  • Katrin Dyballa, Stephan Kemperdick (eds.): Netherlandish and French Paintings. 1400-1480: Critical Catalogue, Petersberg 2024.
  • Stephan Kemperdick, Kat. Nrn. 2, 11, 16, 21, 36, 44, 51, 63, in: Isabelle Dubois-Brinkmann, Aude Briau (Hrsg.), Peintures germaniques des collections françaises (1370-1550), Ausst. Kat. Dijon, Besançon, Colmar 2024, Dijon/Paris 2024. Dt. Ausgabe: Isabelle Dubois-Brinkmann, Aude Briau (Hrsg.), Altdeutsche Malerei in den französischen Sammlungen, Dijon/Paris 2024.
  • Stephan Kemperdick, The Date of the Edelheere Altarpiece, in: Sacha Zdanov, Xénia Wasilewski, Wendy Frère (eds.), Penser luvre dart de la creation à la restauration. Mélanges offerts à Catheline Périer-DIeteren à loccasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire, Brussels 2024, S. 4150.
  • Stephan Kemperdick: "Jan van Eyck's Madonna in a Church and its artictic Legacy", in: M. Martens, T-H. Borchert, J. Dumolyn et al. (eds.), Van Eyck. An Optical Revolution, Ghent 2020, pp. 260-283.
  • Stephan Kemperdick (ed.): Jean Fouquet. The Melun Diptych, exh. cat. Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 2017-2018, Petersberg 2017
  • Stephan Kemperdick and Johannes Rößler (eds.): The Ghent Altarpiece of the Brothers van Eyck. History and Appraisal, exh. cat. Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 2014/15, Petersberg 2014.
  • Stephan Kemperdick and Jochen Sander (eds.): The Master of Flémalle and Rogier van der Weyden, exh. cat. Frankfurt, Städel Museum/Berlin, Gemäldegalerie 2008/09.

Staff of the Gemäldegalerie

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.