
Dr. Katja Kleinert


  • Deputy Director (Gemäldegalerie)
  • Head of Collections (Gemäldegalerie)





Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

  • Dutch and Flemish painting of the 17th century
  • Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn and his workshop
  • Materials, instruments and practices in the artistic production process
  • Scientific research methods and imaging techniques in art historical research


Since 10/2016 Curator of 17th century Dutch and Flemish painting Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
2011 until 2016 Research curator of the interdisciplinary research project "Rembrandt Autoradiography / The Rembrandt Database: New Research on the Rembrandt Holdings of the Gemäldegalerie Berlin" Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
2010 Scientific-administrative coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence "Gendered Mobilities", Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
2007 until 2008 Research assistant in the field of structural research for a cooperation project with the Gemäldegalerie Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB)
2005 until 2007 Scientific Museum Assistant (i.F.), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
2000 until 2004 Doctorate in art history at Prof. Dr. Werner Busch (Freie Universität Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Volker Manuth (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen).
1993 until 1999 Master's study of art history and Dutch philology, Freie Universität Berlin / Vrije Universiteit Brüssel / Universiteit van Amsterdam


  • with C. Laurenze-Landsberg, "Rembrandt f." Rembrandt-Signaturen in der Gemäldegalerie Berlin – eine Annäherung, in: K. Gludovatz / A. de la Latta (Hrsg.), Die Namen der Künstler, Berlin 2023, p. 151-175.
  • with C. Laurenze-Landsberg, ''The highest degree of excellence': how Reynolds improved Rembrandt', in: M. Spring, A. Roy (eds.), Rembrandt Now: Technical Practice, Conservation and Research, National Gallery and Archetype Publications, London 2022, pp. 115– 125.
  • with C. Laurenze-Landsberg, Three Examples of Far-reaching alterations to Rembrandt works in the Berlin Gemäldegalerie, in: M. Spring / A. Roy (eds.),Rembrandt Conservation Histories, London 2021, pp. 92-103.
  • with A. Tummers, A. Wallert, B. Hartwieg, C. Laurenze-Landsberg, J. Dik, R. Groves, A. Anisimov, Supplementing the eye: the technical analysis of Frans Hals's paintings –I, in: Burlington Magazine 161, November (2019), pp. 934-941.
  • with R. Groves, A. Anisimov, V. M. Papadakis, A. Tummers, A. Wallert, B. Hartwieg, Hyperspectral imaging to guide technical art analysis of Frans Hals paintings, in: Tagungsband der Lacona conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Paris 2018.
  • with C. Laurenze-Landsberg, Rembrandt's First Nude? The Recent Analysis of Susanna and the Elders from Rembrandt's Workshop, in: S. Dickey (ed.), Rembrandt and his Circle. Insights and Discoveries, Amsterdam 2017, pp. 197-216.
  • with H. Bevers and C. Laurenze-Landsberg (eds.), Rembrandts Berliner "Susanna und die beiden Alten". Die Schaffung eines Meisterwerks, exh.-cat. (Kupferstichkabinett und Gemäldegalerie SMB), Berlin, 2015, S.61-75.
  • with M. Reimelt: Ein komplexer Malprozess mit ikonographischen Konsequenzen. Zur Bildgenese des Werkes "Wie die Alten sungen, so pfeifen die Jungen" von Jan Steen in der Gemäldegalerie, in: Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 50 (2008), pp. 79-105.
  • Atelierdarstellungen in der niederländischen Genremalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts, Petersberg 2006.

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Staff of the Gemäldegalerie

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.