Please note: Due to an event at Berlin Cathedral the accessibility of the Museumsinsel Berlin is limited until 1 pm on 18 February 2025: Alte Nationalgalerie, James-Simon-Galerie and Neues Museum can be reached via Eiserne Brücke. Altes Museum will remain closed at this time. We recommend using the stations Friedrichstraße (S- and U-Bahn) and Museumsinsel (U-Bahn).


Dr. Ilona Regulski


Research Associate (Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung)


Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung



Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

  • Research and curatorial responsibilities for the Egypt and Sudan collection (focus 1st Millennium BCE - 4th century CE)
  • Curatorial academic outreach, audience development and community engagement
  • Research focus: Developments in funerary culture and ritual narrative, text transmission, and Deep History
  • Reception of (ancient) Egyptian culture, history of collecting, and provenance research


Since 12/2023 Curator - Research staff at the Ägyptischen Museum und Papyrussammlung
2014-2023 Assistant Keeper - Curator Egyptian Written Culture at the British Museum, London
2011-2013 Research Fellow - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the FU Berlin
2011 Visiting lecturer Egyptology at Yale University
2005-2010 Assistant Director at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo
2002-2004 Research Fellow at the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels
2001-2007 Ph.D. in Egyptology: 'A Palaeographic Study of Early Writing in Egypt', KULeuven (Belgium)
1999-2000 Egyptology and Coptology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Voluntary study in MA Programme)
1999 Consultant at the Gallo-Roman Museum, Tongeren (Belgium)
1995-1999 BA & MA Near Eastern Studies/Egyptology at the University of Leuven/KULeuven (Belgium)


  • Since 2023: Member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
  • Since 2018: Member of the Editorial board of the online Journal Rivista (Museo Egizio, Turin)
  • Since 2020: Reviewer at the Fund for Scientifc Research (FWO), Belgium
  • 2015-2019: Member of the Egypt Exploration Society Research committee


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Staff of the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.